Swift Prosperity Through Growing Superior Vegetable Varieties: Stories from Vegetable Farmers in Uganda

For a long time now, the number of farmers abandoning growing vegetables like tomatoes, cabbages, green pepper and eggplants has been increasing.

The main for reason for this is diseases such as tomato blight, bacterial wilt in tomato and pepper, xanthomonas in cabbage and purple blotch in onions which kill off the plants before harvest time, bringing losses for farmers, and for most, heart wrenching disappointment.

To address this challenge, ISSD Plus, has partnered with seed companies to increase vegetable growers’ access to climate resilient technologies (improved agronomical practices and superior varieties which are early maturing, pest resistant, drought resistant and high yielding). This has improved yeilds, boosted competitiveness in the vegetable sub-sector, and consequently increased profit for local farmers in Uganda.

Farmers that underwent the training under ISSD Plus showed an increase in both household income, and household assets. This publication, presents those change stories.

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