Horticulture Market Acceleration Platform (HortiMAP) Project

HortiMAP is a four-year (2021-2024) horticulture project funded by the Dutch Government through the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Kampala (EKN) and implemented by TechnoServe in partnership with PUM and Wageningen University and Research Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI).

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HortiMap project aims to ensure; a) sustainable local supply of fruits & Vegetables by 40,000 producers to 250,000 consumer households b) jobs for 16,000 youth & women along the value chain c) competitive performance of Uganda’s vegetables in regional markets and distant export markets. This project will specifically build capacity of SMEs and local supply chains, while delivering entrepreneurship training to farmers and retailers to realise their potential. The interventions are expected to improve food security, strengthen business growth, increase incomes, create jobs, and promote sustainable market-based growth in the horticulture sector.

With ISSD Uganda’s experience in transfer of advanced vegetable production technologies to farmers and promotion of superior vegetable varieties over the past 4 years, the organisation is supporting WCDI in local coordination, implementation and support of its HortiMap project activities in Uganda. The work packages that ISSD Uganda is implementing are worth Euro 260,791. Specific project tasks for ISSD Uganda include;

1) Conducting trainings of trainers (ToTs)
2) Developing training materials
3) Monitoring quality of vegetable farmer trainings and;
4) Supporting horticultural MSPs

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Seed Tracking and Tracing System (STTS)

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